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of yesterday, I talked about Hamamatsu castle, but I have not mentioned the environment. Managers done his job so well, they grow alots of trees, keep a lot of fish in the lake, and take notes all important places. So for me, I thinks this enviroment can received 9/10 points. As you can see:

This place have a waterfall and small lake below it, if you come and take a look, you can see a lot of big size fish(koi) inside. I don't know, maybe because of conrona, there not so many visitor come to this place, so when you come in this old house, you can take a rest and listen to the sound of a waterfall.

After haft an hour, I go to next place and find out a wonderful view:

A small island with a big fish swimming around it. In the sunset time,The sun shines down the lake and highlighting that fish, so wonderful. If I have free time, I will go to this place one more time.

P/S: After go outside, I found a police station, It looklike a mini version of Hamamatsu castle.


Hamamatsu caslte


Last week, I went to Hamamatsu castle. When I saw this caslte in website, I just guess:"this caslte so wonderful and big, looklike it can contain more than 1000 people".

But it only true for the first haft, after pass through city gate, this caslte make me surprise. With size of a three-story buildingIt, so maximum contain of this castle about 100 people.

Inside of this castle, they have 5 samurai's armour, some short kanata and old guns. On the 2nd floor, they have an souvenir shop that sold some charm, T-shirt, wood gun and business card box. For me, I love this box design so I bought one.


company's bento


So, today, after back to work, I ate company's bento. As you can see, at the left side, we have fried spring rolls, at the left side, we have stewed meat egg (without eggs but the same as recipe). Those meal are the same as Vietnamese foods that Vietnamese usually eat. About fried spring rolls, it It feels crunchy, less greasy, not too fat and has a lot of meat. It so delicious when eat with rice. About stewed meat egg, although it has cooled down, it still have sweet tastes.







Hamamatsu Flower Park(英語):https://dien95.vietnhat.tv/e49411.html






So today I will continue to talk about Hamamatsu flower park and HamaZoo (Hamamatsu Zoological Garden). In this place, it too large to walk around if you have kids or old people, or you are too tired to walk around. In that case, this park can support you alots, it have bus whitch go around park,

slope car

and elevator. If you saw enough flower, then you can walk in to HamaZoo to see some animal, insect, or bone. this place have source that I haven't seen before, some animal that I only saw in television and have a collecting insect.


so today I will talk about Hamamatsu Flower Park. When I saw this place on google, I just thinked: "It just like other flower park, not so impressive". But I was wrong, when I came to this place, it was really different from my imagination. First, the first time I saw after going through the ticket booth is alots giant bonsai pots. It looklike some bonsai in Japanese movie but bigger, like ten time and more.

Next, I saw a pool, it's size like a pool in olympic, which big and blue, and having lots of neon light that so wonderful at night.

Next, after across a bridge, I saw a castle. So I have a little bit surprise, this place not a flower garden, it looklike a miniature play area.

Then, after after walking 15 minutes, I saw an old table where I can take a rest and having tea time.

To be continued ---->  

Thai restaurant (part 1)「英語」:https://dien95.vietnhat.tv/e49381.html



Last Saturday, me and my friends went to Thai restaurant to have dinner. So we order Thai . We ordered biggest hot pot that called "Tomyum". In this, there have about 5 shrimps, coconut soup with chili oil (alots). It not so much spicy, having some sweet from shrimps and coconut soup so, for me, it's the best hot pot. Next, I order shrimps mix with vegetable, with mushroom, shrimps, and young corn. If split their foods, maybe it can taste better, but when you mix them up, this plate are not so good, it's ugly. It's taste like some food that sold in combini.


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